Let’s connect the public with EMS.
For non-EMS providers, the public, and everyone in between - these articles are specifically written for the public audience.
Breaking down EMS Reimbursement
In this article, we explore the issues plaguing EMS billing and federal ambulance transport reimbursement schedules.
Get Involved: Stop the Bleed
In this article, we discuss the Stop the Bleed initiative and its potential impact on reducing trauma deaths in the United States. Stop The Bleed interventions train the bystander to apply pressure to wounds, recognize dangerous bleeds, and apply tourniquets.
I just called 911. What should I know before EMS arrives?
In this article, we discuss the importance of remaining calm during emergencies and provide some tips for helping make emergency calls go smoothly as a bystander.
Exploring Health Literacy: Improving Patient Outcomes & Reducing Resources
In this article, we explore patients with chronic health conditions, the importance of health literacy and community paramedicine programs, and the broader impact that better communication between healthcare entities can have for patient outcomes.
In this article, we discuss the basics of rapid sequence intubation and the EMS providers’ role in the process. We discuss the pathophysiology, medications involved, and basic principles of RSI.